Jodo API Guide

Document History

Jodo Introduction

Jodo World (“Jodo”) is a Cloud Workplace Technology Framework designed to handle all present and future business communication media and channels by directly embedding communications within software applications and platforms (browser-driven or mobile apps). Jodo handles communication traffic distribution globally, via multi-lingual automation tools and monitors traffic handling via dispersed, multi-device global teams.

Jodo handles business phone calls from multiple geographies (distributed architecture), social media channels, email, chat, digital voice and video channels and SMS. Jodo handles all communication media on the Cloud and communication media events, actions and controls are offered within any business applications via Jodo API.

Jodo Web Service End Point

Customer Web Service

API URL{JSON request }

CuRL Tool can be used to test API

					curl -d "data={JSON request}" POST

It is also possible to use WGET to test API

					wget --post-data "data={JSON request}" POST

SOAP UI, Postman are other tools that can be used to test API

Common Status Code Information

StatusStatus Description
1107api key not found
1108Service key not found
1243Service Key API Key Not matching

Customer Data Handler

Import Process Data (Push API)

Purpose: This function is used to push customer data to Jodo Application.

If Media is voice & contact Number is valid, data push for dialing.

Pre-requisite for TTS

Status :: 10500 After TTS covert, status changed to 1001

TTS web hook need to map with Process + Data Import event

TTS Web Hook :: Commercial service and need separate subscription.

Use Cases:

  1. Start Call in Jodo Platform for CRM pushed specific data (Customer to be called).

  2. Inbound Case :: Customer data store to Avhan and populate using Call Guide. Media :: 11 – Voice In :: Developer team will verify code

  1. Start call via automated voice using Text to Speech (Jodo Messenger Dialer with TTS)

    1. In this case Jodo receives Customer First Name & Last Name via Push API in real-time.

    2. Jodo pushes data to target TTS Engine API. (user defined in configuration)

    3. After TTS API response received, Jodo dials contact number passed in request and start interactive message flow at scheduled time.

User Input Parameters:

NodeM/OData type sizeValueDescription
methodMTextImportProcessDataUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMTexttest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This API key will change according to client organisation)
servicekeyMTextVoiceProcessUnique key map to the process. (This service key will change according to client process)
mediaMText11Media for the received data. (like 1=Email In 2=Email Out 3=SMS In 4=SMS Out 8=Chat 11=Voice In 12=Voice Out 21=Social-Twitter 22=Social-Facebook 31=Video) Refer table below for Media Information values
dataMText[ { "leadnumber":"1" "name":"Ram" "mobilenumber":"1234567890" "emailid":"" "callDateTime":"2018-06-20 09:07:00" "calltype":"71" "dateofleadcreation":"2012-02-22" "timeofleadcreation":"12:00:00" "extrafield1":"1" "extrafield2":"2" "extrafield3":"3" }, { "leadnumber":"2" "name":"abc" "mobilenumber":"1234567891" "emailid":"" "callDateTime":"2018-06-20 09:07:00" "calltype":"41" "dateofleadcreation":"2012-02-22" "timeofleadcreation":"12:00:00" "extrafield1":"11" "extrafield2":"21" "extrafield3":"31" } ]Customer data in JSON Array ( It requires mobile number, name, emailid, etc.)
updateparamMTextMobilenumber/customercode/crmuniquefieldThe parameter used for data check to update and insert data. (like Mobilenumber or customercode or crmuniquefield)
reqdatetimeMText2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
Data Array optional parameters
CalltypeO5Refer table below for calltype values
userloginOtest@avha.comValid login id which exists in Jodo Platform

Multiple trunks handle prefix for domestic and international calling differently and based on the Trunks used in your operations you will need to standardise the data in your applications with the appropriate prefix.

e.g. GSM trunks / Gateways can process + for international dialing as a prefix while TELCO trunks need you to assign 00 as prefix for international dialing. Similarly domestic dialing code prefix may be different in parts of the world.

Developer change ::: To allow mobile number +

Output Parameters:

methodreallocatedataUnique Command for JSON Response
resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
status001Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description

Return Value:

This API returns one of response listed belowin JSON format.

Request with updateparam mobilenumber:

"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",

{ "fname":"suvarna", "lname":"gadakh",
{ "fname":"suvarna", "lname":"gadakh",


Request with updateparam customercode:

"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",

Request with updateparam crmuniquefield:

"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",
"callDateTime":"2018-06-20 09:07:00",

"callDateTime":"2018-06-20 09:07:00",


ImportProcessData  JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",

ImportProcessData  JSON Fail Response
"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"


Status Code Information

StatusStatus Description
14Customer data not found
15Date range not proper
16Invalid To Date Format
17Invalid Media
18Media Not Found
19Media Found blank
24Update Parameter not found
25Update Parameter blank
26Invalid Update Parameter

CALL Type Code Information

Call TypeCallType Description
5Hot Lead
21Callback Call
31Preview Callback Call
41General call back
71Preview Call
1001Fresh Call

Media type:

Media IdMedia Information
1Email In
2Email Out
4SMS Out
11Voice In
12Voice Out

Pull Data


This method used to pull customer data from DB.

Use Case:

When CRM / Business application want to fetch data from Jodo, this method should be used.

In this request either daterange(fromdate, todate), mobilenumber, customercode, crmuniquefield will be send as searchparam values which are used as input string to pull out data from DB. At a time only one value should be pass else web service will pull data on all given criteria.

Here Searchparam consider as unique field for process data.

This getProcessData method accepts JSON string as input and returns response as JSON string .

Input Value:

M – mandatory parameter

O – Optional parameter

ParameterM/OData TypeExampleDescription
methodMTextgetProcessDataName of the web service method
reqdatetimeMText2016-01-19 12:00:00Date time for the webservice request
servicekeyMTextprocess1Unique Servicekey for the process
apikeyMTextMsQgi5/gKVZusW5XziRf76nHbn9JxU4VDSWwongD5dU=Unique apikey for the organization
searchparamMTextcustomer_code(1001)Unique Process values on which customer wants to search data valid search paramter mobilenumber customercode crmuniquefield daterange
fromdateOText2016-01-17 12:00:00From date from which data wants to pull searchparam=”daterange”
todateOText2016-01-19 12:00:00 Valid Format : (yyyy-dd-mm HH:mm:ss)To date from which data wants to pull searchparam=”daterange”
mobilenumberOTextContact number(8765456789)Mobilenumber If Single contact number data wants to pull out searchparam=”mobilenumber” mobile no range must be min(3 digit and max 16 digit) for international contact no
Customer codeOText14001This is Jodo World Customer unique code. It is receive through Toolbar when call is connected on Avhan CRM. searchparam=”customercode”
crmunique fieldOTextPOP100300This is CRM Unique Field value. eg. Policy Number searchparam=”crmuniquefield”


  • searchparam is case sensitive.

  • If searchparam is mobilenumber then webservice fetch mobilenumber value from request and pull out customer data from Jodo World DB on contact1 field

  • If searchparam is daterange then webservice fetch fromdate and todate values from request and pull out customer data from Jodo World DB on storedatetime field

  • If searchparam is customercode then webservice fetch customercode value from request and pull out customer data from Jodo World DB on customer_code field

  • If searchparam is crmuniquefield then webservice fetch crmuniquefield value from request and pull out customer data from Jodo World DB on process associated unique CRM field.

Output Value:

This function returns JSON String with unique id generated by web service. This is used to track details of the request send to the web service

Data as per Form Template definition. Refer Push Data API DATA faq point.

ParameterData typeExampleDescription
methodTextgetProcessDataName of the web service method
resdatetimeText2016-01-19 12:00:00Date time for the webservice response
statuscodeText001Response Code
statusdescTextsuccessResponse description.
dataTextCustomerdata in arrayCustomer data in array

JSON request Response

This method accepts StrRequest JSON string as input and returns response as JSON string .

Sample JSON Request With search param mobilenumber

"reqdatetime":"2016-01-19 12:00:00",
["9000100200",  "9000100201","9000100203"]

Sample JSON Request With search param customercode

"reqdatetime":"2016-01-19 12:00:00",


Sample JSON Request With search param crmuniquefield

"reqdatetime":"2016-01-19 12:00:00",


Sample JSON Request With search param crmuniquefield

Sample JSON Request With search param daterange

"reqdatetime":"2016-01-19 12:00:00",
"fromdate":"2016-01-19 12:00:00",
"todate":"2016-01-22 12:00:00"

Sample JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2016-01-19 12:00:00",
"name":"Avhan Technologies",
"callDateTime":"2013-06-20 09:07:00",
"name":"Avhan Technologies 1",
"callDateTime":"2013-06-20 09:07:00",

Reallocate data

Purpose: This function is used to reallocate data or task to a particular user.

Use Case:

This is used when a user is absent or has left organization and will not be able to handle scheduled calls during their absence. In such cases, data needs to be reallocated to other Jodo users to meet the scheduled call goal.

Option to reallocate data should be added to CRM / Business application.

User Input Parameters:

NodeM/OData type sizeValueDescription
methodMreallocatedataUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMtest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This apikey will change according to client organisation)
servicekeyMVoiceProcessUnique key map to the process. (This servicekey will change according to client process)
contactnumberM75079959484User contact number. (like phone number or mobile number)
loginMTanmay.k@dev1Reassign login (needed emailID)
calldatetimeO2018-11-10 09:00:00Call datetime
customercodeOUnique customer code
reqdatetimeM2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Output Parameters:

methodreallocatedataCommand for JSON Response
resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
status001Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description

Return Value:

This API returns in one format I.e. JSON format.

Reallocate data JSON Request

"calldatetime":"2018-11-10 09:00:00",
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"


Reallocate data JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",

Reallocate data JSON Fail Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Status Code Information

StatusStatus Description
13Tenant Database Not found
38Error while processing
70Contact Number not found
71Contact Number is blank
72Login not found
73Login is blank


"remarks":"This is testing remarks",
 "selecteddatetime":"2018-11-01 17:00:00",
"media": “Voice In”, 
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-01 17:00:00",

Request JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-01 17:00:00"


Report request JSON Fail Response

 "resdatetime":"2018-11-01 17:00:00"


Status codes :

StatusStatus Description
4Login not found
6Wrong Status mode [Status should be wrapup]
7Wrong date format
8Date not in range(min and max date value configured from db)
31Disposition Master ID / Reason Id not found
32Contact Number In DNC
33Callback count exceed for process
111Error while processing
421Invalid Process Id

Call Recordings Module

Customer recording

Purpose: This function is used to get recording link of a particular voice call unique systemcallid.

Use Case:

  1. Playback of media sessions e.g. calls to be played within the CRM/ Business application.

  2. Send links to users / customers of the media session recorded

User Input Parameters:

NodeM/OData type sizeValueDescription
methodMcustomer_recordingUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMtest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This apikey will change according to client organisation)
servicekeyMVoiceProcessUnique key map to the process. (This servicekey will change according to client process)
systemcallidM140912183554281005Unique value of Systemcallid. (dynamic value generated at the time of call dialed to the user)
reqdatetimeM2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Output Parameters:

methodcustomer_recordingUnique Command for JSON Response
restatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
status3Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description
revisionno1Functionality revision no

Return Value:

This API returns response in JSON format.

Customer recording JSON Request

"systemcallid":"140912183554281005" ,
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"


Customer recording JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Customer recording JSON Fail Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Status info for Recording Module

StatusStatus Description
62sessionid not found
63systemcallid not found
66systemcallid found blank
65Invalid sessionid
1111Error while processesing data

Customer Multiple Recording


This function is used to get recording link of multiple calls

Use Case:

When CRM / Business application need to fetch recording of multiple calls, either for playback or analytic purpose, this method can return URL of multiple calls.

User Input Parameters:

Column NameColumn NameColumn NameColumn NameColumn Name
methodMcustomer_multiple_recordingsUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMtest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This apikey will change according to client organisation)
servicekeyMVoiceProcessUnique key map to the process. (This servicekey will change according to client process)
systemcallidsM{ 140912183554281005, 1809121835543434 3, 1709121835542810 34534 }Array of Unique value of Systemcallid. (dynamic value generated at the time of call dialed to the user)
reqdatetimeM2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Output Parameters:

methodcustomer_multiple_r ecordingsUnique Command for JSON Response
resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
status3Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description
revisionno1Functionality revision no

Return Value:

This API returns in one format I.e. JSON format.

Customer multiple recording JSON Request

					{ "method":"customer_multiple_recordings",
 "systemcallids":[ "180717171728015031", "180719161420031002" ], "reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Customer recording JSON Response
{ "method":"customer_multiple_recordings",
"resdatetime":"2018-12-18 12:39:05",

" 031_1001_1500_1_2500_1728015.MP3"
 "statusdesc":"Data not found",
"recordingfilepath":"" }


Status info for Recording Module

StatusStatus Description
2Wrong format of received request
62sessionid not found
63systemcallid not found
66systemcallid found blank
65invalid sessionid
1111Error while processing data

User Module


API is to manage users in Jodo Platform

To handle Jodo User functionality using Web service application

To Add / Edit User

Purpose: This function is used to add new user or edit existing user in Jodo

Use Case: When new user is created in CRM / Business application, it is pushed to Jodo using this API

User Input Parameters:

NodeM/OData type sizeValueDescription
methodMTextaddEditUserUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMTexttest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This apikey will change according to client organisation)
actionMTextaddAction type (1.add & 2.edit)
usernameMTextavhanuserUsername can be alphanumeric
userimageOTextc2c_clicktocall_201601051003844.jpgImage of the user
loginidMTextuser12@avhan.comEmail id of user (needed emailid) For Edit this field is not change Non Editable Field
usertypeMTextuserSelect paricular usertype while creating user ( usertype like user, admin, dealer, etc)
mediadetailsMText(150)[{“media”:”Voice In”},{“media”:”Email Out”}]Media details (Media details like VoiceIn, VoiceOut, EmailIn, EmailOut, social, etc)
newpasswordOText12d73bbb7bdf501be4b6595271eac123Enter user new password(MD5 encrypted value)
confirmpasswordOText12d73bbb7bdf501be4b6595271eac123Enter user confirm password(MD5 encrypted value). This field is mandatory when newpassword parameter is passed

Output Parameters:

methodaddEditUserUnique Command for JSON Response
revisionno1Functionality revision no
status3Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description
userid136New user creation id (whenever new user is created dynamic userid will be generated)
resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

User type:

User Type
Super Admin
Team Leader

Media type:

Media Type
Email In
Email Out
Voice In
Voice Out

Contact ID Info :

Table: contact_types

Table: Contact_types
Home Number
Mobile Number
Personal Number
Office phone
Office Fax
Personal Email
Official Email

JSON Add User Request Format

"mediadetails":[{"media":"Email In"},{"media":"Email Out"}],
"doj":"2014-11-13 ",
"address":"Postal colony, chembur"
{"contactid":"mobile number","contacttype":"8465982541"}
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

JSON Add User Response format

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

JSON Add User Failed Response format

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"


JSON Edit User Request Format

"mediadetails":[{"media":"Email In"},{"media":"Email Out"}],
"doj":"2014-11-13 ",
"address":"Postal colony, chembur"
{"contactid":"mobile number","contacttype":"8465982541"}
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

JSON Edit User Response format

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Status Code Information

StatusStatus Description
401action not found
402action is blank
403userimage not found
404username not found
405username is blank
406loginid not found
407loginid is blank
408loginid is invalid
409usertype not found
410usertype is blank

Delete user


This function is used to delete users in Jodo.

Whenever user is deleted in the business application, the application must invoke this API to execute same action in Jodo platform.

Use Case:

When users are deleted in business applications – they will be automatically deleted in Jodo Platform as well.

User Input Parameters:

methodMdeleteUserUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMtest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This apikey will change according to client organisation)
loginidMuser12@avhan.comEmail id of user. (needed emailID)
reqdatetimeM2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Output Parameters:

methoddeleteUserUnique Command for JSON Response
resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
status3Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description
revisionno1Functionality revision no

Return Value:

This API returns in one format I.e. JSON format.

Delete user JSON Request

"reqdatetime": "2018-11-12 14:00:05"


Delete User JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"


Delete User JSON Fail Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Status Code Information

StatusStatus Description
406loginid not found
407loginid is blank
408loginid is invalid
418loginid not exists
461clientlogin id does not exists

User Current Status

Purpose: This function is used to get real-time staus of Jodo user . Also it use to allocate data after check user status.

Use Case:

This API is used by CRM / Business Application to get realtime status of Jodo user .

It should be called before call disposition API.

Based on status, CRM / Business Application can take next action – push new data for processing / calling.

User Input Parameters:

NodeM/OData type sizeValueDescription
methodMTextuserStatusUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMTexttest_orgUnique key map to the organization. (This apikey will change according to client organisation)
servicekeyMTextVoiceProcessUnique key map to the process. (This servicekey will change according to client process)
loginidsMText[“”,”t”],Jodo user login id
regdatetimeMDateTime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request.(Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Output Parameters:

resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05
statusdataJSON Array

Return Value:

This API returns in one format I.e. JSON format.

JSON Request

"reqdatetime": "2017-11-20 10:00:05"

JSON Response

					{ "statusdata":[
"statuschangetime":"07-Mar-19 11:59:59 PM", "login":"user1","statusdesc":"Success","status":3}
"currentstatusdesc":"System Sent NA",
"statuschangetime":"07-Mar-19 11:59:59 PM", "login":"user10","statusdesc":"Success","status":3}
 "timestamp":"2019-03-08 11:53:02"


User Status Code Information

StatusStatus Description
2Manual CAll
3Preview CAll
9Live Stream