Customer Recording

Author: Salman Pathan 276 views


This function is used to get recording link of a particular Jodo voice call unique System Call ID.

Use Case:

  • Playback of media sessions e.g., calls to be played within the CRM/ Business application.
  • Send links to users / customers of the media session recorded

User Input Parameters:

NodeM/OData type sizeValueDescription
methodMTextcustomer_recordingUnique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed)
apikeyMTexttest_orgUnique key assigned to an organisation. (This API key will change per client organisation)
servicekeyMTextVoiceProcessUnique key map to the process. (This servicekey will change per client process)
sessionidOInteger8Sessioncalllistid – Session ID to be passed when data needs to be pushed to particular Jodo Session
systemcallidMText140912183554281005Unique value of Systemcallid. (dynamic value generated at the time of calls dialed to the user)
reqdatetimeMText2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Output Parameters:

methodcustomer_recordingUnique Command for JSON Response
resdatetime2018-11-12 14:00:05Date and Time of the response. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
status3Refer the status parameter table
statusdescsuccessstatus parameter description
revisionno1Functionality revision no

Return Value:

This API returns response in JSON format.

Customer recording JSON Request

"systemcallid":"140912183554281005" ,
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Customer recording JSON Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Customer recording JSON Fail Response

"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"

Status info for Recording Module

StatusStatus Description
62sessionid not found
63systemcallid not found
66systemcallid found blank
65Invalid sessionid
1111Error while processing data