Customer Recording
Author: Salman Pathan
This function is used to get recording link of a particular Jodo voice call unique System Call ID.
Use Case:
- Playback of media sessions e.g., calls to be played within the CRM/ Business application.
- Send links to users / customers of the media session recorded
User Input Parameters:
Node | M/O | Data type size | Value | Description |
method | M | Text | customer_recording | Unique Command for JSON Request. (This method value will not be changed) |
apikey | M | Text | test_org | Unique key assigned to an organisation. (This API key will change per client organisation) |
servicekey | M | Text | VoiceProcess | Unique key map to the process. (This servicekey will change per client process) |
sessionid | O | Integer | 8 | Sessioncalllistid – Session ID to be passed when data needs to be pushed to particular Jodo Session |
systemcallid | M | Text | 140912183554281005 | Unique value of Systemcallid. (dynamic value generated at the time of calls dialed to the user) |
reqdatetime | M | Text | 2018-11-12 14:00:05 | Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) |
Output Parameters:
Node | Value | Description |
method | customer_recording | Unique Command for JSON Response |
resdatetime | 2018-11-12 14:00:05 | Date and Time of the response. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) |
status | 3 | Refer the status parameter table |
statusdesc | success | status parameter description |
revisionno | 1 | Functionality revision no |
Return Value:
This API returns response in JSON format.
Customer recording JSON Request
"systemcallid":"140912183554281005" ,
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"
Customer recording JSON Response
"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"
Customer recording JSON Fail Response
"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"
Status info for Recording Module
Status | Status Description |
3 | Successful |
62 | sessionid not found |
63 | systemcallid not found |
66 | systemcallid found blank |
65 | Invalid sessionid |
1111 | Error while processing data |
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