Push Data
This function is used to push customer data to Jodo Application.
If Media is voice & contact Number is valid, data push for dialing.
Pre-requisite for TTS
Status :: 10500 → After TTS covert, status changed to 1001
TTS web hook need to map with Process + Data Import event
TTS Web Hook :: Commercial service and need separate subscription.
Use Cases:
⦁ Initiate and handle customer call from CRM / Business Application screen:
Start Call in Jodo Platform for specific contact data on click (or as a background trigger) by CRM / Business application.
This can also be used in case of Click-to-call campaigns across multiple media.
⦁ Incoming calls screen-pop as response to multi-media campaigns from external platforms (mostly useful in Marketing Automation driven SMS / Email Marketing Campaigns)
External platform can use API to send customer data into Jodo Call guide before scheduled campaign time and agents will get a screen pop-up in Jodo Call Guide.
⦁ Make Multi-lingual calls using Automated voice (Engineered voice) via Text to Speech Engine
(Jodo Messenger Dialer integrated with Cloud TTS Service. E.g., Google / Amazon etc.)
- In this case Jodo receives Customer First Name & Last Name via Push API in real-time.
- Jodo pushes data to target TTS Engine API. (User defined in configuration)
- After TTS API response received, Jodo dials contact number passed in request and start interactive message flow at scheduled time.
User Input Parameters:
Node | M/O | Data type size | Value | Description |
Method | M | Text | ImportProcessData | Unique Command for JSON Request. (This method value cannot be changed) |
apikey | M | Text | test_org | Unique key mapped to an organisation. (API key will change according to client organisation) |
servicekey | M | Text | VoiceProcess | Unique key mapped to the voice media process. (Service key will change according to client process) |
Media | M | Text | 11 | Media for the received data. (e.g., 1=Email In (Incoming / received email) 2=Email Out (Outgoing / Sent email) 3=SMS In (Incoming / received SMS) 4=SMS Out (Outgoing / Sent SMS) 8=Chat (Website / messenger Chat conversation) 11=Voice In (Incoming / received Voice Call / session) 12=Voice Out (outgoing / Sent Voice call / session) 21=Social Media – Twitter channel 22=Social Media -Facebook channel 31=Video Refer table below for Media Information values |
Data | M | Text | [ { “leadnumber”:”1″ “name”:”Ram” “mobilenumber”:”1234567890″ “emailid”:”v@avhan.com” “callDateTime”:”2018-06-20 09:07:00″ “calltype”:”71″ “dateofleadcreation”:”2012-02-22″ “timeofleadcreation”:”12:00:00″ “extrafield1″:”1” “extrafield2″:”2” “extrafield3″:”3” }, { “leadnumber”:”2″ “name”:”abc” “mobilenumber”:”1234567891″ “emailid”:”v1@avhan.com” “callDateTime”:”2018-06-20 09:07:00″ “calltype”:”41″ “dateofleadcreation”:”2012-02-22″ “timeofleadcreation”:”12:00:00″ “extrafield1″:”11” “extrafield2″:”21” “extrafield3″:”31” } ] | Customer data in JSON Array (Needs mobile number, name, email ID). |
updateparam | M | Text | Mobilenumber / customercode / crmuniquefield | The parameter used for data check to update and insert data. (like Mobile number or Customer code or CRM unique field) |
reqdatetime | M | Text | 2018-11-12 14:00:05 | Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) |
CallDateTime | O | 2018-11-12 14:00:05 | Date and Time of the request. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) | |
Calltype | O | 5 | Refer table below for call type values | |
userlogin | O | test@avha.com | Valid login ID that exists in Jodo Platform |
Multiple trunks handle prefix for domestic and international calling differently and based on the Trunks used in your operations you will need to standardise the data in your applications with the appropriate prefix.
e.g., GSM trunks / Gateways can process + for international dialing as a prefix while TELCO trunks need you to assign 00 as prefix for international dialing. Similarly domestic dialing code prefix may be different in parts of the world.
Developer should replace + with dialing prefix based on trunk configuration
Output Parameters:
Node | Value | Description |
method | Reallocatedata | Unique Command for JSON Response |
resdatetime | 2018-11-12 14:00:05 | Date and Time of the response. (Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) |
status | 001 | Refer the status parameter table |
statusdesc | success | status parameter description |
Return Value:
This API returns one of responses listed below in JSON format.
Request with updateparam mobilenumber:
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",
{ "fname":"suvarna", "lname":"gadakh",
{ "fname":"suvarna", "lname":"gadakh",
Request with updateparam customercode:
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",
Request with updateparam crmuniquefield:
"reqdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",
"callDateTime":"2018-06-20 09:07:00",
"callDateTime":"2018-06-20 09:07:00",
ImportProcessData JSON Response
"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05",
ImportProcessData JSON Fail Response
"resdatetime":"2018-11-12 14:00:05"
Status Code Information
Status | Status Description |
01 | Success |
14 | Customer data not found |
15 | Date range not proper |
16 | Invalid To Date format |
17 | Invalid Media |
18 | Media Not found |
19 | Media Found blank |
24 | Update Parameter not found |
25 | Update Parameter blank |
26 | Invalid Update Parameter |
CALL Type Code Information
Call Type | Call Type Description |
5 | Hot Lead |
21 | Callback Call |
31 | Preview Callback Call |
41 | General call back |
71 | Preview Call |
1001 | Fresh Call |
Media type:
Media Id | Media Information |
1 | Email In |
2 | Email Out |
3 | SMS In |
4 | SMS Out |
8 | Chat |
11 | Voice In |
12 | Voice Out |
21 | Social-Twitter |
22 | Social-Facebook |
31 | Video |
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