Migrating your Small Business On-Line

Author: anand awasthi 2224 views


Running a small or local business doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t think globally. Your web presence isn’t just your Shop Window – it’s your Front Door to the rest of the world! Here’s a quick guide to getting yourself noticed, offering your services to a global audience – and expanding beyond your horizons:

Find your Market:

There’s always time for a little research – have a look at who your competitors might be, where your market exists – and how you can best present your business on a global platform. Use search engines, eCommerce sites (the stores available on eBay or Shopify are a really good start!), industry-specific websites, and forums. Get involved in your industry and join in – exposure is a great marketing tool!

Don’t Overwork:

Your products and services are what brings in your business – so don’t try to throw yourself everywhere at once! Take your time and spread your effort out in sizeable chunks. Decide what you think is important about your image, brand, market, pre-sales, advertising, and presence – and stick to it. Set aside time to tackle each aspect as a module, driving up your profile and brand awareness as your business progresses.

Get the Right Exposure:

There are literally hundreds of channels for communications on the web. Aside from the global giants such as Google and Facebook, there are many other ways to get exposure in the right areas for your business. Having a presence on Facebook and Twitter is a good start to showcase your brand and get you talking with your customer base – and making sure you stay on the scene.

Use the Right Tools:

Being able to connect with your global customer base across multiple platforms and channels will allow your business to grow, exponentially. Consider using some methods of automation so that you don’t get overwhelmed with responding to inquiries, orders, and customer relations from across the globe. Having centralized accounts and customer relationship tools will help you to keep your cool when things get busy!

Build up your Brand:

The more information you can make available to your customer base, the better. Your website is core – but it’s not the only way to reach out to consumers. Consider a small budget for Google AdSense or Facebook Marketing and test the water. There are some really cool tools out there for maintaining your Brand presence and keeping your audience informed, too.

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