Port Summary | Port Summary Graph shows the number of ports which are busy - utilized by the system and number of ports idle with the system so that idle ports can be utilized. (*Note Clicking on Port summary will direct to the Port Summary Page) |
Last Refreshed | The time the data was reloaded on the page. |
Idle | These are the number of ports which are not used by the system. |
Busy | These are the number of ports which are used by the system. |
Queue | Queue drop down allows to select the queue for which the information needs to be displayed. |
Process ACD | Automatic Call Distributor is termed as Process ACD. It shows the information of all the calls handled by the ACD. (*Note Clicking on Process ACD will direct to the Process ACD Page) |
Total Process ACD Counts | Total Calls offered are the number of total calls came in the ACD. |
Total Calls Offered | In Call Offered: Total inbound call counts . Out call offered: Total outbound call done |
Total Calls Answered | In call Answered: Total inbound call answered to the inbound call hits. Out call Answered: Total outbound call answered to the outbound call done. |
Agent Information | Agent Information Graph shows the details of the Agents in the selected process. (*Note Clicking on Agent Information will direct to the Agent Information Page) |