Add Jodo widget in Web Apps

Author: TeamJodo 1490 views

Jodo offers a simple and powerful option to integrate external web apps and mobile apps. System Integrators / ISVs can achieve the below mentioned multiple functionalities using Jodo widgets very quickly.

  • Login & Logout of Jodo World
  • Receive Voice / Video calls
  • Screen Pop-up customer information in Apps (while receiving calls)
  • Click to Dial direct Call to customer contact data from web apps
  • End active call
  • Hold & Unhold calls
  • Change status – Presence Status
  • Save selected disposition

The following features are available in the Jodo Toolbar widget

  • Transfer Call
  • Conference Call

Following events can be received from Jodo Framework to trigger actions (workflows) in external Web Apps

  • User Status change
  • New call received
  • Active call terminated
  • Hold / Unhold Success & Failure