Callback Request Form

Author: ritika raj 852 views

To configure and create callback request form :

Jodo Service setting :

Jodo services setting > call back request form.

Click on this card to access the default callback form template. Within the Call back request form section, you have the option to view the default callback form by clicking on the “view” button.

Additionally, you can customize your own template by clicking on the “add” button located on the right side of the default callback card.

Upon clicking the add icon, an exact replica of the default callback card will be generated as another card, offering options such as “delete,” “edit,” and “copy” for further customization and management of your callback form templates.

This step-by-step process ensures seamless navigation and customization of callback request forms within the Jodo Toolbar interface, empowering users to tailor their callback forms to their specific needs and preferences.

Once you’ve created your custom callback form template, you have the freedom to personalize it to your liking. You can assign a unique template name, add, delete, and rearrange input boxes as needed. After making your edits, simply save your changes by clicking the “SAVE” button. If you need to remove a custom card, you can do so with the delete button.

Additionally, you can easily duplicate your custom card using the copy button, which includes an auto-paste feature for convenience. This allows you to quickly create and modify similar templates to suit your requirements within the Jodo Toolbar interface.