Reset Call List ->Reset Data Monitor

Author: TeamJodo 487 views

Reset Call List is based on the Call Disposition type i.e Telephony Disposition or Agent Disposition. It is used to decide whether a count of calling to a customer should be maintain or make it zero.
If it is RESET, the calling count becomes Zero and that contact is ready to call again by an Agent.
If it Reprocess then count remains at it’s value, and Agent will call the customer based on Calling count.
We can see the list of Reset Call request on the Reset Data Monitor screen. Select the date range and and search, it will show the Reset Call List Screen where List information is displayed.

DateSessions can be viewed by selecting the Date Range.
ProcessThis is option of the process name in which the processes will appear.
Search ButtonSearch button allows us to search the requests based on the filter criteria define with the available filter options.
AddTo create New Reset Call List request.