Time Template
Define working/non-working hours for a process, based on the requirement different templates can be defined as per the time zone and the process requirements and can be mapped to process, which will play messages based on the timings or will allow/disallow agents to login to the campaign

Field | Description |
Active | Allows to Add Event. |
Inactive | Shows the Event name. |
All | Allows to select the User Groups. |
Add | Threshold on Date Time / particular day or Time. |
View | Allows to view the details of the configured time template. |
Edit | Allows to edit the configured time template. |
Save As | Allows to make a copy of preconfigured time template. |
View Process | Allows to view the process to which the time template is mapped. |
View Organization | This allows the user to view the organizations or processes associated to a particular template. User can associate or dissociate any organization from a particular template. |
Delete | Allows to delete the configured time template. |