Preview Manual Permission

Author: TeamJodo 429 views

This option allows us to set Preview and Manual Dialing permissions for Users
We can search users based on their association with an Organization,Group, Name, Login Id, User Type, etc.
Click on check boxes to enable / disable permissions.
Permissions can be assigned by selection of Organization, Group and User Type.

GroupUser can choose for the required group name.
OrganizationUser can choose for the required organizations name.
ManualEnable on Manual will assign permission of manual dialing to the selected user.
PreviewEnable on Preview will assign permission of preview dialing to the selected user.
DisplayIt gives us the count of the list of processes associated to the group and also allows the user to choose the number of records to be displayed on the screen.
ApplyIt displays the list of users as per the organization and group name selected.
SearchUser can enter the process name and search.