Creating New Email Workflow Templates

Field | Description |
Email Workflow Template Name | Assign Name to the Email Workflow Template – This name will be associated with the Live campaigns. |
From Email | Enter the Email address from which the email in this workflow template will be sent. |
To List | Target email address to which the email needs to be sent |
CC List | Can add an email address to which CC emails need to be sent |
BCC List | Can add an email address to which BCC emails needs to be sent |
Variables | You can create and assign Dynamic variables to be added in the email body/subject when the emails are sent. |
Subject | Email Subject line for an email workflow template is assigned here. This line will appear as the subject line for the email sent by the system |
Insert | Insert Variable into Body or Subject |
Body | Enter the text which needs to be sent as Email content in the body of the email. This will be the email content in template form |
HTML | This option provides the option to save templates in HTML mail format or Text mail format |
Status | The active/Inactive option in the status tab provides the supervisor to enable or disable the current email workflow template |
Next | Clicking on Next takes you to the File Attachment Window |
Finish | Clicking on Finish saves the current template and takes you back to the main Email Template Window |
Cancel | Clicking on Cancel will not cancel current screen information and will take you to the Email Template page |