Attaching files in Email workflow templates

Author: TeamJodo 458 views

Users can attach and deliver files as part of the workflow templates in campaigns. The attached files will be sent to users as an attachment when the workflow template is attached to a campaign.

You can also set the storage server for a campaign to assign logging and storage of all email transactions for a campaign.

Field Description
Workflow Template Name Shows the name of the selected workflow template (this is applicable for email workflow templates)
Document Path Allows to Browse files to be attached to the email workflow template. Only  .csv or .txt format files are supported in this case.
Attach File Attach File allows you to select and apply files to an email workflow template
Finish Clicking the Finish button will save the selected attached files to an email workflow template and will take you back to the Email Template window
Cancel Clicking the Cancel option will cancel this step and will take you back to the Email workflow template window