Audit Trials

Author: TeamJodo 372 views

The changes made to the system are tracked and can be viewed from Audit trail option
Audit Trail can be performed Date wise, user wise, function wise and based on action performed by user
It also displays Old configuration and New changes implemented and allows to extract audit trial report

DateAudit Trial can be viewed by selecting the Date Range.
UserParticular user can be selected and audit trial can be viewed for that user.
ModuleAudit trial can be viewed based on different modules.
ShowWill show the list of trials based on the selected criteria.
ExportWill extract report on the audit trial.
Date TimeDate and Time at which the information was modified.
User NameUser name who modified the information.
ActionAction performed like edit, delete, add., etc.
Action PerformedDetails of action performed on which module.
Information ChangedDetails of the information changed.