Add New Callback request
Add New Callback request screen allows you to add new Callback request which will be used by an agents.

Field | Description |
Organization | Organization is basically creation of a Tenant and for security purpose which will allow to have different organizations created and process created under organizations and not available to different organizations. It list down all organizations name which are created in Organization tab. Based on selection of organization it will display the process name which are mapped to a particular organization. |
Process Status | This allows to view the process based on its state, Processes have 3 different states All, Current, Past and Future. All:- This Option will display all the Processes created under a organization. Current:- It will list the Processes which are currently active. Past:- This will display the Processes which are inactive and less than current date. Future:- This will display the process which are created but not currently running and created for future dates. |
Process | This is option of the process name in which the processes will appear after selecting an organization. |
Media | Media is a definition of different modules available in JODO Cloud, the different media available are Voice-IN, Voice-Out, Email and CHAT, It provided search criteria on Media which are associated to the Processes.For Eg:- if Voice -in and Voice -out Media is associated to a Process it will display all the Processes which are associated with this media. |
Session | This is the option of Session status such as Active/Inactive. |
Group | Groups are related to the organization. |
Action Type | Action type defines the actions to be take while call back management process. |
Reassign Type | Re-assign type defines the assignment of Callback. i.e either Self assignment or to the specified User Agent. |
Callback Date Time | Callback Date and time defines the time of callback. |
Proceed | Proceed button creates the new request accordingly selected parameters from this screen. |