Callback Management

Author: TeamJodo 515 views

Callback Management screen shows Callback request status. The Callback request has request id, Process associated to
it, session, Actioner, Action type, Request Date Time, Process Date time and Status.

CallBack Screen
DateSessions can be viewed by selecting the Date Range.
ProcessThis is option of the process name in which the processes will appear.
Search ButtonSearch button allows us to search the requests based on the filter criteria define with the available filter options.
AddAdd button is used to create New Callback request. We need to provide required information such as Organization name, process name, Call back Date and Time. Action Type i.e Callback Enable/Disable. Reassign type. i.e Self or to a particular agent.
DisplayIt is used to display particular number of records per page.
SearchRequest process can be searched using various options such as request id, User name, Process name,
Session name, Process type, Status and Request details.