Detailed view of Online business users / teams

Author: TeamJodo 551 views

Online Business User Information displays all user information that is actively executing business processes in the business (In Contact Centers, these could be agents operating on the floor.)
The user’s information can be extracted based on campaigns, Queue selection, user teams, and on the basis of online user status.

Data Display TemplateData Display Template allows to select the data display type for the information to be viewed.
ProcessAvailable process can be selected from the process drop down – this is the process for which the information needs to be viewed.
QueueQueue drop down allows to select the queue for which the information needs to be displayed.
StatusQueue drop down allows to select the queue for which the information needs to be displayed.
Extension*(Note * indicates mandatory field)Agent Information can be filtered using Agent Extension numbers.
GroupAgent Information for a particular group can be viewed by selecting particular group name from the group drop down option.
Message / Send MessageMessage tab allows to type text for sending message to selected agent. Clicking on Send button will sent the typed message to the agent.
Barge In TypesBarge In Type allows to barge in the call, Types of barge in allowed by the system are – Silent,Coaching and Conference.
Silent/ Coaching/ ConferenceSilent: Supervisor can here the conversation of agent and customer without both the parties knowing about it. Coaching:Supervisor and Agent will be able to talk to each other without customer knowing about it. Conference:Supervisor, Agent and Customer will be allowed to talk using Conference Barge in option.
Start Barge In/Lazy AgentsSelecting the type of barge in and clicking on Start Barge In option will initiate the type of barge selected by the supervisor.