Data Summary

Author: TeamJodo 562 views

Data Summary shows the details of the data imported in the system.
It shows the data details in terms of Session Name, Import Count, Dial Count, Pending Count, Successful & Unsuccessful count.

Data Display TemplateData Display Template allows to select the template based on which the data can be viewed.
ProcessType of Trunk drop down allows selecting the trunk type. E.g.: All, Customer Line, Agent Line, Conference Line, Team Leader line, Supervisor Line.
Tenant NameTenant Name shows the tenant under which the selected process is created.
Process NameThis tab shows the name of the selected process.
Session NameSession Name tab shows the details of the dialling session for the selected process. Eg: Manual, Voice In, Voice Out, Blended etc.
Import CountImport Count shows the number of data imported in the system.
Dial CountDial Count shows the number of dialled calls from the system.
Pending CountPending Count shows the count of data on which dialling is pending.