Real-time business users

Author: TeamJodo 478 views

Online Web Users window shows the list of all the users logged in into Web ACS
This window shows the User Name, Login Id, User Type and Login Time of the user
It also shows the IP Address of the system through the user is logged in
This window allows the admin / supervisor to force logout the user from the system.

SearchSearch option allows to search online web users based on their names.
User NameUser Name tab shows the name of the logged in user.
LoginLogin tab shows the login id of the user.
User TypeUser Type tab shows the type of online user. Eg: Administrator, Supervisor, Super Administrator, Team Leader, Agent etc.
Login TimeLogin Time tab shows the login time details of the online web user.
IP AddressIP Address tab shows the IP Address on which the web user is logged in, this information can be used to track the online web user.
Force LogoutForce Logout option enables the Administrator to forcefully log out the selected online web user.
Application NameApplication currently used by the respective user.