Configure sending Email in Jodo

Author: TeamJodo 604 views


Field Description
Receive Account Email IDs for which the emails will be received
Auto Response Select this option to send an auto-response to customers once they send an email on the ID”s defined.
Auto Response Template This provides a selection of defining different response templates which can be associated with the process, it will allow selecting the Email templates which are ore-created using the template options.
Note:- This option will be enabled only when Auto Response is otherwise by default it will display as None.
Reply Message This will allow the user to select the reply option to the customer either with a history of the original message or a fresh content email Option List.
None – Option not available to reply to emails Fresh Email – Original email history of customer mail will not be available Email with history – This will have the original content sent by customer Note:- if None option is selected it will by default take as Fresh Email whenever it is sent to the same sender
Reply To This will allow the users to send the Chat conversation through Email to customers on the pre-defined email addresses or new email addresses.
Email Processing Logic Email Template associated with the Chat Module which will be used to send out Emails while sending Emails to customers.
Black List URL which will help the agent what should be used in email / Chat with customers or FAQ for process and help information.
Email Storage Server URL is defined to capture customers’ feedback about the agent’s conversation and handling of the email.
Allocation It is used to send/communicate with 3rd party CRM and JODO Cloud eg. To generate Helpdesk ticket number.
Keyword Template In case of non-availability of Agents during the non-working time, a standard auto-response can be sent to customers on the Web Site when they select the chat option.