Configure Business Process Permission Details

Author: TeamJodo 603 views

Process permission details enable permission for the processes.
The process will be assigned permissions like Manual calling, Call Transfer, Hold-Unhold rights etc.

Field Description
Permission It allows assigning different rights for the process of dialing logic. Note:- if this option is checked by default it selects all the Permission which are listed below. Enable the options based on the requirement of the process.
Allow Manual It will allow agents to make manual calls.
Allow Preview This allows agents to perform Preview Dialling.
Allow Transfer This allows agents to transfer calls to pre-defined numbers, agents, or to Payment gateway servers.
Allow End Call This allows agents to disconnect the calls if the customer does not disconnect.
Allow hold-unhold Agents are allowed to hold/un-hold the calls while speaking to customers.
Allow Modify Client Number Agents can change the original number if the customer is calling from a different number and wants to update his original number in the database.
Allow Add CB New Number Agents can change the number if a customer request to dial a different number when a call-back has to be initiated.