Configure Voice Traffic handling in Jodo

Author: TeamJodo 567 views

Voice configuration is defined when the process has been associated with Voice Media i.e Voice – In / Voice -out

 Process Recordings Information enables the recording storage options for the processes

Field Description
Voice – Recordings Details Local Recorder: Option to be enabled if Process requires call recordings to be done.
Voice Recording File Template: Logic is used to define the file naming convention.
Recorder Type: Type or recording which is required for the process.
After Connects with Agents (Continuous) – Calls will be recorded only when transferred to Agent.
Call Progress Tone Recording (Before Connect) – Recording will be initiated when the number is dialed.
Third-party Connect: Option to initiate Call Transfer or Conference facility, this will provide 2 options.
i)Agent Specific – This allows the agent to define the number where the call needs to be transferred.
ii) Third Party Specific:- Pre-Defined number which will not allow the agents to change the number.
Screen Capture Details Screen Capture: Allows to perform screen recording on the activities done by Agent desktop, ideally used for functionality to validate the information provided by Customer on call and if the agent has entered the correct information.
Screen Recording File Template: File Definition names on the file names have to be stored.
Screen Capture Template ID: Screen capture template details such as screen size, and screen recording quality.
Voice Storage Priority Jodo Cloud allows to define multiple storage servers for any process which will not affect the recordings even if the disk space gets full. This will display the multiple storage servers associated with the process and allows to define the threshold based on which it will switch to a secondary storage server or generate an alert to the system administrator. In case the disk space reaches below the threshold the system will not allow initiating outgoing calls.
Screen Storage Priority Jodo Cloud allows to define of multiple storage servers for any process which will not affect the recordings even if the disk space gets full. This will display the multiple storage servers associated with the process and allows to define the threshold based on which it will switch to a secondary storage server or generate an alert to the system administrator.