Email Account
Email account details and privileges are configured in system configuration – email account
Email server for inbound email’s, outbound email’s is configured here
User Id’s for email configuration is also saved here and then further its associated to processes with email rights

Field Name | Description |
Account Type | Allows to define type of email account that is Outbound Email Account or Inbound Email Account |
Active | Shows all the active Email Accounts |
Inactive | Shows all the inactive Email Accounts |
All | Shows all the defined Email Accounts |
Add | It allow the user to create new Email Account |
Search | User can enter the Account name and search |
Email Id | This displays the Email Id of the Email Account |
Email Server | This displays the mapped Email Server |
User Id | This displays the user Id accociated to the Email account |
View | It will list the details of the selected Email Account |
Edit | Allows to Edit the existing Email Account |
Save As | Make a copy of existing Email Account and save it with a different name |
View Process | Allows to view the process to which the Email Account is mapped |
Organization | This allows the user to view the organizations or processes associated to a particular email account. User can associate or dissociate any organization from a particular email account |
Delete | Allows to delete the configured Email account |