Main Purpose of this template is to create queue Skill wise and associate with process
Queue Type such as FIFO, Skill Based can also be defined at the time of creation of queue
Each queue is a set of unique skills in it
Eg: If Queue 1 has Language English then we can’t add English for another queue
Multiple queues can be created for a single process
Call to be transferred is maintained in a particular queue and transferred on availability of agent

Field Name | Description |
Active | Displays list of active Queue available |
Inactive | Displays list of inactive Queue which are not available and disabled |
All | Displays all Queue available both active and inactive |
Add | Allows to create a new Queue |
Search | User can enter the queue name and search the queue |
View | It will list the names of the queues created |
Edit | Allows to Edit the existing Queue |
Save As | Allows to make a copy of existing Queue and save it with a different name |
View Process | Displays the processes allocated to the Queue |
Delete | Allows to delete the selected Queue |