Add Disposition Reason Page

Author: TeamJodo 567 views

Field Description
Template Name Display the Template Name in which new Dispositions will be created
Reason Name Reasons can defined as show below. a. Switched-off b. RNR (Ringing No Response) * indicates mandatory field.
System Disposition If this Option is enabled than the system will auto generate the disposition for connected and Non-connected calls
Status Type 1. Audit:- Dispositions marked with this status will allocate calls to the TL/Supervisor bucket for verification 2. Call-back:- Agent Specific call back option which will tag the data for call-back to customer as per the time defined by Agent, call back time and date is set by the agent and call will be route to specific agent who has set the call-back. call-back date format :-days ,hr(s) and mins Min call-back date time :-It should not greater than Max time Max call-back date time:-it should not be less than Max time
Needs Audit Enabling this Check box will add the Leads to the TL/Supervisor bucket for Verification
Master Name Master disposition name to be defined For E.g. – Connected, Not Connected etc.
Master Code It shows the master code which has been defined by the user while creating the master template. User get to see this field while creating the ‘Master’ disposition only if the ‘auto increment’ option is not selected while clicking on ‘Add’ button while creating the disposition.
Status Enabling this option will display the disposition in wrap-up mode to agents
User Type Map the user type from the list to the disposition.
Status Map the Media type to the disposition.
Next Clicking on Next will save the changes and takes to the next window
Cancel Directs to the Main window without saving the template