Creating New Email Workflow Templates

Author: TeamJodo 522 views
Field Description
Email Workflow Template Name Assign Name to the Email Workflow Template – This name will be associated with the Live campaigns.
From Email Enter the Email address from which the email in this workflow template will be sent. 
To List Target email address to which the email needs to be sent
CC List Can add an email address to which CC emails need to be sent
BCC List Can add an email address to which BCC emails needs to be sent
Variables You can create and assign Dynamic variables to be added in the email body/subject when the emails are sent.
Subject Email Subject line for an email workflow template is assigned here. This line will appear as the subject line for the email sent by the system
Insert Insert Variable into Body or Subject
Body Enter the text which needs to be sent as Email content in the body of the email. This will be the email content in template form
HTML This option provides the option to save templates in HTML mail format or Text mail format
Status The active/Inactive option in the status tab provides the supervisor to enable or disable the current email workflow template
Next Clicking on Next takes you to the File Attachment Window
Finish Clicking on Finish saves the current template and takes you back to the main Email Template Window
Cancel Clicking on Cancel will not cancel current screen information and will take you to the Email Template page