Add Script Field Page

Author: TeamJodo 466 views

Field Description
Script Template Display the name of script Template. Note:- This field is non-editable.
Group Display the name of Group in which fields is created.
Field Type It allows the user to create their own fields name by selecting either of 2 options. Customer data:- User can use this option to create its own field name. Contact:-For contact user needs to select this option to add number by selecting predefined fields from the contact list Like:- Mobile Number. Personal number ,official number etc.
Field Name It allow the user to define the Field name. * indicates mandatory field Note:- Field name cannot be Keyword Field Name does not accept Space in between Field Name Like Customer Name, Customer Address.
Field Caption User can define same name as Field name where it allows the Space. * indicates the mandatory Field.
Display Type It allow user to define what type of Field it can be. For Eg:- Customer Name than its Display Type can be Text-box Address tab its Display Type can be Text-Area as it allows more characters to enter. Date:- Display Type can be Date Picker For multiple Choice user can use Display Type as Check box. * indicates mandatory Field .
Data Type Based on the Display Type of field user needs to select the Data Type this provides an validation to fields. Like All characters:- it accepts only Characters Alpha Numeric:- it accepts Character and Number Boolean:- it accepts True or False value Date & Time:- it accepts date and Time. * indicates mandatory field.
Field Size It allow user to define Size of Field For Eg:- Field Name:-Mobile Number Display Type:- Text-Box Data Type:-Numeric Field Size 11 so it restrict Agent to Enter more than 11 number * indicates mandatory field.
Isvisible Enabling this Option display the Field Name is active.
Constraints Based on Fields Name it gives a functionality to define constraints on field. Like Email:- Enabling this option accept the valid mail id like @ ,.com Read only:- Enabling this Option it not allow the user to Edit the field it will just display the data on script as Read-only. Mandatory:- Enabling this option allow the user to fill up that field compulsory otherwise it will not allow user to save data on script.