SMS Template

Author: TeamJodo 516 views

Map it to Dispositions which will help users to send out SMS when the agents selects dispositions

Field Description
Active Shows all the active SMS templates.
Inactive Shows all the inactive SMS templates.
All Shows all the SMS templates.
Template Name It will List down all the created Template Name. It acts as a searching Criteria
Add It allow the user to create new SMS Template.
Search User can enter the template name and search the template.
Message Displays the SMS body of the respective sms template.
View It will list down created SMS Template name.
Edit Allows to Edit the existing Template.
Save As Make a copy of existing Template and save it with a different name.
View Process Allows to view the process to which the SMS template is mapped.
View Organization This allows the user to view the organizations or processes associated to a particular template. User can associate or dissociate any organization from a particular template.
Delete Allows to delete the configured SMS template.