Trunk Group Page

Author: TeamJodo 709 views

This allows to set-up various Trunk group Templates with various trunk lines such as Tata, Airtel etc. for specific group of user and events Eg: Agents, TL, Conferencing, Customer calling

Unlimited Trunk Group template involve various Service providers

While defining a new Process, we can assign a trunk group template to it which will enable dialing for that process

Field Description
Active Displays list of active Trunk Group Template available
Inactive Displays list of inactive Trunk Group Template which are not available and disabled
All Displays all Trunk Group Template available both active and inactive.
Template Name It will List down all the created Template Name. It acts as a searching Criteria
Add Click on Add Button to create new Trunk Group Template
Search User can enter the name of Trunk Group Template to search.
View It will list down created Trunk Group Template name.
Edit Allows to Edit the existing Trunk Group Template.
Save As Make a copy of existing Trunk Group Template and save it with a different name.
View Process Displays the processes allocated to the Trunk Group Template.
View Organization Allows user to view, associate, and dissociate the processes under the trunk template.
Delete Delete the Trunk Group Template.