Bulk User Request Status

Author: TeamJodo 723 views

It shows the status of Bulk user added to the system.
It shows the details like Request time, File name, User Name, Status Description etc.

DateBulk user request status can be viewed by selecting date range Eg. From Date and To Date
ShowThis will display the Request status based on the date range selected
SearchUser can enter the process name and search.
DisplayIt gives us the count of the list of processes associated to the group and also allows the user to choose the number of records to be displayed on the screen.
Request IDEvery request is assigned a unique request ID.
Request Date TimeIt shows the date and time of the request.
File NameIt shows the name of the file.
DelimiterIt shows the delimiter used for the file.
UsernameIt shows the name of the user associated with the file.
Process Date TimeIt shows the name of the user associated with the file.
Status DescriptionIt shows the name of the user associated with the file.
ImportedIt shows the name of the user associated with the file.
RejectedIt shows the name of the user associated with the file.
DownloadThe user can download the file and view it.