Group Creation and Management

Author: TeamJodo 555 views

Group is a set of users
These users are clubbed together based on the skills required for a particular process and later they are associated to the processes while process configuration

Field Description
Active Shows all the active Groups
Inactive Shows all the inactive Groups
All Shows all the configured Groups
Add Allows to Add a new group to the system
Search User can enter the Group name and search
Group Name It will List down all the created Groups.It acts as a searching Criteria
Parent User It shows us the parent user associated to the group.
View It shows us the user’s associated to particular group and the user type
Edit Allows to Edit the existing Group
User It shows us the user’s associated to particular group and the user type
View Process Allows to view the processes mapped
View Organization This allows the user to view the organizations associated to a particular group
Delete Allows to delete the configured Group.For Deleting the group,it is necessary to ensure that the group is not associated to any process.